History of CranioSacral Therapy

History of CranioSacral Therapy CST Appleton WI

Dr. William Sutherland, an osteopathic physician, laid the framework for Cranial Osteopathy, in the early 1900's, spending nearly twenty years exploring the theory that the bones of the skull were structured to allow for subtle movement, contrary to the teachings of his day.  His life work led to the discovery that the skull's sutures are made of a special type of fibrous joint found only in the skull. He found fluids, bones, and tissues at the body's core which initiated and responded to an involuntary rhythmic motion.

Another osteopathic physician, Dr. John Upledger, continued Dr. Sutherland's work beginning in the 1970's.  He examined the theories of subtle movements of the skull and a palpable cranial rhythm while a researcher and professor at Michigan State University.  He was given a team of researchers and scientists to aid in exploring this phenomenon. The research empirically confirmed these theories and helped clarify the mechanisms in the body making them possible.  These scientific validations, along with the practical results he witnessed, led him to develop what he called CranioSacral Therapy.  The Upledger Institute in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, was founded in 1985,  to bring this method to the public and to provide ongong research in light touch therapies.

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle therapeutic method of assessing and balancing the body's craniosacral system. A light, but focused, touch (approximately the weight of a nickel) is used to remove blockages, called restrictions, in the craniosacral system impacting the nervous, musculoskeletal, endocrine, and vascular systems.

Most CranioSacral practitioners today are chiropractors; physical, occupational, or massage therapists; osteopathic or medical doctors; or dentists.  Training is sometimes available to lay people as well and can be very beneficial in improving  quality of life for family and friends.

As a Chiropractor, I’ve referred numerous patients to Dawn for her services. She treats everyone with respect and professionalism. It is so nice to have a health and wellness professional that I completely trust my patient’s care with. Chiropractic coupled with her massage and CranioSacral technique produces amazing results! I highly recommend Dawn and will continue to refer to and work with her.
Dawn OlsenServices, CST